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Astrology Health Tips and  sign compatible Recipes




Aries rules the head and face. You can often spot an Aries person by his or her fine facial bone structure and a shining, healthy head of hair. The head is associated with thinking and perception, and natives of Aries tend to be sharp, shrewd thinkers who use common sense. Aries people are subject to headaches, including migraines, head congestion, and sinus conditions. You have a tendency to overwork yourself and overtax your energy.


The glands that Aries rules are the subrenals. These are the glands which pump adrenaline into the bloodstream during times of stress and emergency. Aries people are active, have excellent muscle coordination, and are noted for their energetic sexuality. Because the Aries person is usually busy, active, and on the go, you need a well-balanced diet to maintain good health and energy.


The cell salt for the sign of Aries is potassium phosphate. This mineral builds brain cells and replenishes the liver. Aries people usually expend so much energy that their supply of this element is depleted and must be replenished. Lack of potassium phosphate can cause depression.


Foods rich in this mineral and therefore beneficial for Ariens to include in their diet are: tomatoes, beans (red kidney, navy, lima), brown rice, lentils, walnuts, olives, onions, lettuce, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, veal, swordfish, flounder, figs, bananas, dried uncooked apricots, pumpkin. A healthy diet should also include milk, which is good for teeth and bones.


Salt and liquor are two enemies that Aries people in particular should avoid. Too much salt affects bones and arteries, liquor overstimulates and reacts negatively on the kidneys. You should drink plenty of water, and get adequate rest and relaxation.


Take note of the foods mentioned above when browsing through our Astrologer's Cookbook. We have included with each recipe, tables on Calorie, Nutrient & Vitamin values. Also included with each recipe is our recommendations for individual signs. Now it's time to enter our Astrologer's Cookbook "Search Engine". Simply enter the title or main ingredient & search our data base of some of our favorite recipes.

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